Bruce Wayne Gillies

Hollywood, CA (USA)

Hollywood Film Office

Location: Hollywood
Industry: Entertainment
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: At the core, Hollywood Film Office is a motion picture production services company offering soup-to-nuts support to the independent filmmaker. We provide support services on features, television, pick-ups and reshoots, commercial, music video, corporate, new media and more. HFO is owned and operated by indie friendly - cost effective, experienced filmmakers keenly aware of fiscal, and therefore, creative challenges that face indie film producers. We take pride in rising to the challenge of achieving the impossible, water into wine as someone once said. HFO is all about crafting and delivering a first class, quality product. HFO plans to strongly support and facilitate filmmaking in the Los Angeles County area; championing the local industry as a viable, reasonable, and affordable alterna

Hollywood Film Office

Location: Hollywood
Range: $500k - $1 Mil
Investor Type: Angel
Accredited: Yes
Funding Types:
  • Equity Funding (VC, Angel, PE)
  • Operational/Growth Funding
  • Media
  • Retail/Clothing
  • Internet
  • Entertainment
Investment Regions:
  • United States