John Buell

seattle, WA (USA)


Location: seattle
Industry: Marketing/PR
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I mass produce job advertisment flyers and pass them out in the busy city of seattle. also I run advertisments in papers that may run up to a circulation, of as many as 10,000,000., also Magazine classifieds. I have the customer mail their info to my Personal Mailbox. I Market Jobs. Also I will be using the same technuique to be running a business product networking Market. I have computer equipmen, and printer, I will complete a second one with a few more items. My shop will sell job items to workers and give them the info to have a job. That is the critetia of my business
resume job specialist


Location: seattle
Range: Below $10k - $1 Mil
Investor Type: Investment Banker
Accredited: Yes
Funding Types:
  • Business Acquisition/Franchise Funding
  • Sports/Recreation
Investment Regions:
  • United States
resume job specialist


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Location: seattle
Description: Keep a large amount of yellow page phone books from various states and business listing books. and a resource of places I see on the way. calling employers to see which ones are hiring.I will run shop,, that has credit card dispensed work clothes, tools. office supplies and restaurnt items. People who have jobs with me are able to use the machinnes and ATM service. I dispense job information sheets there out of a machine for 5 cents. My second buisness is to do Marketing for a wholesale producer of business networking.
Services Provided:
  • Staffing
  • Staffing
  • Staffing
  • Staffing