Benjamin Summers

Fort Lauderddale, FL (USA)

Adagio Group

Location: Fort Lauderdale
Industry: Finance
Year Founded: 2005
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: Adagio is a private investment company founded in 2005 by Managing Director Ben Summers. Adagio's initial focus was investing in the New Urban communities along the Florida Gulf Coast and consulting to the finance world regarding real estate and energy matters. These activities uncovered new opportunities in residential real estate markets leading to Adagio developing its proprietary asset-based lending program. Adagio now engages in a full complement of investing activities from private, proprietary fund management to boutique investment banking services.

Adagio Group

Location: Fort Lauderdale
Range: $5 Mil - Above $10 Mil
Investor Type: Investment Banker
Accredited: Yes
Description: We strive to bridge the divide between responsible operators and the private capital markets by offering the exclusive financial skills of risk engineering and capital formation to the private real estate investor market. Unlike crowdfunding, our investment banking services afford real estate investors the opportunity to responsibly raise both debt and equity capital on their own terms and in unlimited quantities via an investment fund dedicated to capitalizing their business. To accomplish this task, we strategically design financial products that generate superior risk-adjusted returns under an institutional-grade private equity or hedge fund structure, and develop compliant marketing channels for their distribution in cooperation with our partner broker-dealer. This entire suite of services is available at ultimately no cost to our real estate investor clients as all upfront expenses are reimbursed by the fund: * We develop the best model and capital structure to maximize clients' risk-adjusted returns while matching their efforts with potential passive investors’ risk, return & liquidity appetite. * We have the requisite offering documents drafted (i.e. create actual securities for sale), and create industry standard marketing materials for a institutional-grade fund providing lower-cost capital to clients' businesses. This allows our clients to leverage our capital position, performance history and investment banking relationships. * We ensure all necessary SEC filings are submitted & compliance issues are addressed, provide ongoing risk management support, and manage all reporting.
Funding Types:
  • Equity Funding (VC, Angel, PE)
  • Loan/Lease Funding
  • Alternative/Creative Finance
  • Business Acquisition/Franchise Funding
  • Debt Consolidation
  • Operational/Growth Funding
  • Secured Loan
  • Finance
  • Real Estate
  • Energy
Investment Regions:
  • United States
  • FL
  • NY
  • TX