Michele Nocito
Pompano Beach, FL (USA)
Assistant Vice President
West Investments
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Service Provider
Pompano Beach
West Aquisitions and Investments Inc.
Services Provided:
- Business Planning
- Marketing/Advertising
- Sales Consulting
- Business Consulting
Assistant Vice President
West Investments
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Pompano Beach
$10 Mil - Above $10 Mil
Investor Type:
Investment Banker
Funding Types:
- Business Acquisition/Franchise Funding
- Finance
- Legal
- Technology/Web
- Investing
- Healthcare
- Automotive
- Advertising
- Construction
- Consulting
- Education
- Engineering
- Government
- Graphic Design
- Hospitality
- Human Resources
- Insurance
- Manufacturing
- Marketing/PR
- Media
- Printing
- Food Service/Restaurant
- Retail/Clothing
- Sports/Recreation
- Transportation
- Internet
- Software
- Hardware
- Telecommunications
- Nanotechnology
- Staffing/Recruiting
- Bio-Technology
- Pharmaceuticals
- Entertainment
- Recreation
- Arts
- Design
- Banking
- Venture Capital
- Accounting
- Apparel
- Wholesale
- Invention
- Other
- Energy
- Textiles
- Agriculture
Investment Regions:
- Aruba
- Anguilla
- Andorra
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Australia
- Austria
- Azerbaijan
- Azores
- Belgium
- Bangladesh
- Bulgaria
- Bahamas
- Bosnia and Herzegovinia
- Belarus
- Belize
- Bermuda
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Barbados
- Bhutan
- Canada
- Cape Colony
- Switzerland
- Channel Islands
- Chile
- China
- Cameroon
- Colombia
- Cape Verde
- Costa Rica
- Czechoslovakia
- Cuba
- Cayman Islands
- Cyprus
- Czech Republic
- Germany
- Dominica
- Denmark
- Dominican Republic
- Algeria
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- England
- Spain
- Estonia
- Ethopia
- Finland
- Fiji
- France
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- Grenada
- Greenland
- French Guiana
- Guatemala
- Hong Kong
- Honduras
- Holland
- Croatia
- Haiti
- Hungary
- Indonesia
- India
- Ireland
- Iceland
- Israel
- Italy
- Jamaica
- Jordan
- Japan
- Kazakhstan
- Kenya
- Kyrgystan
- Cambodia
- Kuwait
- Laos
- Lebanon
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Luxembourg
- Latvia
- Moldava
- Macedonia
- Mali
- Malta
- Burma/Myanmar
- Malaysia
- Nicaragua
- Northern Ireland
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Nepal
- New Zealand
- Pakistan
- Panama
- Peru
- Philippines
- Poland
- South Korea
- Portugal
- Paraguay
- Romania
- Russia
- Scotland
- Serbia
- Singapore
- Sicily
- El Salvador
- Slovakia
- Slovenia
- Sweden
- Thailand
- East Timor
- Turkey
- Taiwan
- United Kingdom
- Ukraine
- Uruguay
- United States
- Venezuela
- Wales
- Yugoslavia
- South Africa