Angel Luis Rivera-Estrada

Homestead, FL (USA)


Location: Homestead
Industry: Apparel
Year Founded: 2006
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I do specialise in the area of Substance Abuse and Mental health. However, I do have some ideas that I"m positively sure will be marketable and of great succes. By going with the knowledge of the paper clip inventor that not too many gave any chance to be marketable and today we know the rest of the story. The initial investment will promote the development of the product, the marketing ad/presentation and the comercial institutions to which they are targeted to. This one investment will also provide a linkage to other ideas that will be forth coming.


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Location: Homestead
Description: Design products that will be marketable to hospitals, clinics, personal needs, etc.
Services Provided:
  • Logo Design
  • Logo Design