Barry Hollie

Chandler, AZ (USA)


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Location: Chandler
Description: The Company is an institution for the development of Carbon Credits under the KYOTO Protocol and the United Nations. By working under these guidelines we are able to assists developing nations around the world in the development their Carbon Credits. We then sell their Carbon Credits to nominated industries. Our efforts in assisting these developing/host nations provide them with the necessary financing for their health, education, agricultural and energy projects
Services Provided:
  • Project Management


Location: Chandler
Industry: Energy
Year Founded: 2005
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: The Company is an institution for the development of Carbon Credits under the KYOTO Protocol and the United Nations. By working under these guidelines we are able to assists developing nations around the world in the development their Carbon Credits. We then sell their Carbon Credits to nominated industries. Our efforts in assisting these developing/host nations provide them with the necessary financing for their health, education, agricultural and energy projects