Christopher Campbell Green

Cheltenham (UK)

Global RS

Location: Cheltenham
Industry: Consulting
Description: Risk management Training Company. Written Business in excess of $500k USD for 2007. Direct Contract opportunity to work with OPAL (Sultanate of Oman Oil Producers Asscoiation to provide Graduate entry level training for top 120 Oil Companies in GCC region. Staffed by Former Chief Instructor 22 SAS, Female CPO, Middle East Risk Managers and RCS/IHCD Medical Risk Trainers. Using Unique industry related training simulations and contacts at PM/Pres level globally to enhance focussed learning in a growing industry saturated by old school security companies with little relevant knowledge of the current market. Managing director an entrepeuneur with a risk background. Aged 30. Capital required within 7 days to purchase a training property in the Cotswold region of UK. Re-value proposition of