Dave Petersen

South Jordan, UT (USA)

Foreclosure Relief Service

Location: South Jordan
Industry: Real Estate
Year Founded: 2006
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I am so excited to see my dream company come together! I have been building the foreclosure relief service now for almost 9 months, and in the next month and a half our office will finally open. Though our team will start out small, about 7 people, it will grow to almost 30 in the first three months. Not only that I love what we do. We SAVE homes from foreclosure wherever possible. Forbearance plans, partial claims, modifications, fresh start plans, etc. We teach our clients how to manage what they have as well as where they can pursue relief. There are so many options, and the past 7 years this has been my passion! Obviously, if it is impossible for them to make even their regular payments, then we have to look at alternate options, and that is why we have our pool of investors. I