David Gonzalez Otero, Jr.

Los Gatos, CA (USA)
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)

Endeavor Development LLC.

Location: Los Gatos
Industry: Technology/Web
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: Endeavor Development, LLC. is a forward thinking company that was founded in 2007. Aggressive in its vision to set a new and higher standard when it comes to global business, Endeavor Development is in the midst of making that vision a known reality. At the helm of this dynamic organization is David Otero, Mr. Otero for years has maticulously researched and studied various industries and has seen a variety of flaws when it comes to accoutability, leadership, efficiency, and execution. Observing these shortcomings, Mr. Otero has found a great opportunity to exploit prime business opportunities for both short and long term investment time frames from companies and institutions that have now maxed out credit-lines, low cash reserves, and out of control budgets.