Derek Edwards

Columbus, OH (USA)


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Location: Columbus
Description: KappaStone is a central-Ohio technology development company focusing on web, software and electronic products. We provide start-ups and small companies with the talent and expertise to take a product from an idea through the phases of building a business plan, obtaining funding, developing a prototype and finally full-scale distribution. Past projects have included social networking sites, e-commerce engines, Bluetooth-driven displays, video-based tracking software, iPhone games and much more. If you have a technology concept and don’t know where to start, contact us today!
Services Provided:
  • Business Planning
  • Logo Design
  • Project Management
  • Business Consulting
  • IT System Development
  • Website Development
  • Outsourcing
  • E-commerce Solutions


Location: Columbus
Industry: Technology/Web
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: 10-50 people
Description: KappaStone is a central-Ohio technology development company focusing on web, software and electronic products. We provide start-ups and small companies with the talent and expertise to take a product from an idea through the phases of building a business plan, obtaining funding, developing a prototype and finally full-scale distribution. Past projects have included social networking sites, e-commerce engines, Bluetooth-driven displays, video-based tracking software, iPhone games and much more. If you have a technology concept and don’t know where to start, contact us today!