Jason Rawn

Toronto, ON (CAN)

Thirsty Muse Corporation

Location: Toronto
Industry: Finance
Year Founded: 2001
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Our services successfully combat one of the biggest issues plaguing our fast paced world today; ROLE OVERLOAD. Role overload is the perpetual aspect of feeling overwhelmed, overloaded and stressed by the pressures of juggling a variety of roles. The solution is the time currency, or the delegation unit. Our Blue Chip customers purchase this currency in bulk for their employees and/or customers. Our members then have the ability to delegate personal tasks to our group of Personal Assistants; freeing up their time to focus on the roles in life that matter to them. Highlights- ESTABLISHED INDUSTRY PLATFORM, $900,000 REVENUE IN 2006, BLUE CHIP CUSTOMER BASE, RECURRING PREDICTABLE REVENUE STREAM, LEADING EDGE TECHNOLOGY TO SET INDUSTRY STANDARD, OPPORTUNITY TO EXPAND GEOGRAPHICALLY.