Jim Tropea

Campbell, OH (USA)

Tropea's Fine Pastry's

Location: Campbell
Industry: Food Service/Restaurant
Year Founded: 2006
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I have two incredible products and a great idea how to promote them but I don't have enough money. PLEASE HELP My wife and I have already put together a nationally known business but because of an assoiation with a bad business partner we nearly lost everything that we had. That was unfortunate but we now know what needs to be done to make a better nationally known business. And we still hold the keys and secrets to our products. We have a business model that can be adapted to any city in the (USA) and be a success. We have everything in place to move forward with this model except for two things. Because of what had recently happened to us we are left without money and credit(two esentials to make a business grow). Therefore we need people who are serious and are willing to sit down and