John Campbell

Bristol, PA (USA)

"ROCK THE HOUSE: Practice & Recording Studio

Location: Bristol
Industry: Entertainment
Year Founded: 1990
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Description: Hello, I was a Chef for 25 years and I had a Recording & Prctice Studio Business in Ca. for 5 years. It was modest but I have an idea to take it big that can not miss here in PA. It would provide all kinds of services for all ages of Musicians. And many ways to make money within a facility that provides pratice space but also a Sound stage and many other ways to make money and provide a great service with great value to an age group from 12 to 60. I just need a boost. I compleated a course in Music engineering & Production at The Recording Workshop in Ohio After starting business for 4 years. I am looking at this as a way to make it a Musicians Facility with a way to expand it to a Professional Business in many other ways and facilities. THIS IS A GREAT IDEA. For the investor who wants to take it to a profitable and BIG opertunity. and wants to take a chance. I need someone with a vision like mine and is into providing Music opertunity to as many Musicians as possible who have no place to practice and a way to get the kids out of the garage driving the parents and neighbors crazy. Franchise capability!! There are many ideas out there, I am talking about a professionally run facility with no drugs or alcohol. A place for musicians to be serious about there music and express what they feel through Music. Not guitar hero games or Amercian Idol. There are so many good musicians out there especially in the Military, (Military Bases) if you know what I mean. I am talking about a clean Pro facility where it will teach musicians to be serious about what they want to do with there music. Computer rooms, synth rooms, place to take band pics in a room already laid out with color or black or white can be taken right on the spot. Have you ever been to Kinkos? I think you know what I mean. Storage lockers for band equipment they would need at a reasonable (URL removed) many more ideas. Think about it and get to me. (URL removed) if you get it. If you just want to hussle me for get it.

"ROCK THE HOUSE: Practice & Recording Studio

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Bristol
Description: I want to start a Business that could possibly be a franchise in many Locations. Contact me and I will explain everything.
Services Provided:
  • Phone Systems
  • Logo Design
  • Business Consulting