John Karapelou

Columbus, OH (USA)

Karapelou Medical Art

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Location: Columbus
Description: Medical art studio providing service to a wide range of legal, advertising/marketing, media production, and publishing clients. Dramatic and effective illustrated image solutions for effective communication of messages with medical content. Medical visual commication consulting services and/or medical illustration production services for legal exhibits, pharmaceutical science branding, marketing & promotion, patient education, popular consumer books and magazines on health and science, major medical journals and textbooks, and general science & biology textbooks.
Services Provided:
  • Logo Design

Karapelou Medical Art

Location: Columbus
Industry: Graphic Design
Year Founded: 2005
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Description: Medical art studio providing service to a wide range of legal, advertising/marketing, media production, and publishing clients. Dramatic and effective illustrated image solutions for effective communication of messages with medical content.