Jon Gray

Covina, CA (USA)


Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Las Vegas
Description: Licensed in Nevada to assist companies set up or improve retirement plans utilyzing the Mutual Funds of Oppenheimer, Smith Barney, Franklin Templeton, Van Kempen, Aim, and/or Pioneer. Many small businesses with less than 100 employees simply cannot afford all of the overhead and time involved with a 401k plan. However, putting a Payroll Deduction Plan into place will allow retention of a higher grade of employees by offering them participation in traditional or Roth IRA's, Coverdell Education Funds, and/or Annuities. Even smaller companies have several options of how to sock away shel
Services Provided:
  • Accounting Services
  • Accounting Services


Location: Las Vegas
Industry: Finance
Year Founded: 1976
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: It is my intention and contractural commitment to expand the Resource Management Division of the company in the Las Vegas area to 5 additional independently owned offices by July 30th, 2012, and 10 offices by April 30th, 2017. However, with 80 million Babyboomers turning 59 1/2 starting June, 2005, and continuing the wave for 12 years, I expect to far exceed the company guidelines. We intend to Harvest IRA Rollovers and IRA/Pension Distribution plans as this wave passes over us. We intend to sow the seeds for the 38 million Generation X IRA Rollovers with a focus on placing Payroll Deduction Plans into businesses with under 100 employees (by offering options that bypass the overhead and headache of 401k plans). However, 401k plans make sense for companies with over 100 employe