Jonathan Otto

Hntington Beach, CA (USA)

Global Trends International

Location: Hntington Beach
Industry: Telecommunications
Year Founded: 2004
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I’m looking for a long term investor for a new cell phone company. Hello, my name is John I own and operate Global Trends International. I’m a young entrapuerner who has big dreams. I have been building this company slowly for a couple years with no capital. I have lived in Asia which is how I first got started in the cell phone business. I established many contacts and relationships with distributors and people in the industry. I had a store in Asia that did very well but do to a fall out of a partner I was forced to close. I have a good friend there right now who own 2 stores in a prime location with thousands of new tourists and locals everyday. I have an opportunity to use one of the stores to open Global Trends International. The market is huge for new and used cell phones in Asia.