Kathleen Lund

Sauk Rapids, MN (USA)

Lund Enterprises

Location: Sauk Rapids
Industry: Marketing/PR
Year Founded: 2006
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Unique opportunity. We show people how they can increase the quality of their lives and bank accounts with a proven, simple system. I personally sort through people who have contacted me expressing their interest. What I look for is coachability, motivation, and a strong desire to earn what they deserve. The company I work with is a secure, established, debt free company who assists their associates in helping others see their true potential in life.

Lund Enterprises

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Sauk Rapids
Description: The products we offer are unique in the field of self-development. These are NOT motivational products. The attitude of the community we are associated with re-inforces the fact that we can "Think and Grow Rich".
Services Provided:
  • Marketing/Advertising
  • Marketing/Advertising