Kimberly Wilson

Houston, TX (USA)


Location: Houston
Industry: Healthcare
Year Founded: 2000
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Medical Reference Laboratory comprised of 11 employees operating a large scale laboratory for physicians requiring immediate cash flow funding to operate. Expansion in 2006 has caused large cash flow issues. Company requires minimum of 150k to pull out. Personally I put in all of my disposable income over the last four months. This has left me with a current low credit score. Have evidence of "A" credit score three months prior. I have a great company. Have great physician/customer relationships but have grown the company too fast. If there is an angel investor that is interested in a good investment, please call or email me. [<a href="(URL removed)[<a href="(URL removed)">send me a message</a>]">send me a message</a>] Thank you for your time.