Margie Walston

New York, NY (USA)

Arimar Communications

Location: New York
Industry: Media
Year Founded: 2005
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: A marketing/advertising agency. We publish a new magazine called SLIQUE go to (URL removed) and we are seeking funding to keep it in production. It is for today's progressive man and (URL removed)ludes fashion, entertainment, business, health, health and more. We have many consumers that love the direction of where it is headed and we have connections with celebs in east and west coast that are loving the idea of this magazine. Held a successful launch party in NYC last year that included 500 guests. We will be taking a run up against Essence magazine, but our focus is for men and woman that like to work hard and play hard!

Arimar Communications

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: New York
Description: A marketing/advertising agency. Go to (URL removed)
Services Provided:
  • Marketing/Advertising