Marion L. Jones

Baltimore, MD (USA)
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)

M L J Recovery, LLC

Location: Stracuse
Industry: Healthcare
Year Founded: 2008
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Description: MLJ Recovery, LLC Motivational Speaking & Mentoring I do speaking events to help others that are struggling with addictions, depression and suicide attempts. I have a book out called Poems form within me, a Recovering Addict. It tells my life story in poems and a short story of my life. Intervention book.
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)

MLJ Recovery, LLC

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Location: Stracuse
Description: I do Motivational Speaking & Mentoring at Rehabs, Drugs Courts and Shelters. Sometimes I'm ask come to churches to tell my story. I just want to help as many people as I can get their life back and famiy back. To see that life worth living and they are loved and there's someone that do cares.
Services Provided:
  • Business Consulting