Michael McNaney

Umatilla, FL (USA)

Malachi Three

Location: Umatilla
Industry: Healthcare
Year Founded: 2004
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Description: I have developed a product called Cold Stopper which will stop the common cold (rhino virus) dead in its tracks. I have several large corporations that would like to partner with me by signing a license agreement and pay me royalties. I have no interest in that now. This product will be a big seller on the market and I would like to have total control. This product has been tested on over 150 people in the last 2 years with a 100% success rate of stopping the common cold (rhino virus) immediatley on ever one of the people with no side effects. It is an all natural product. I have a provisional patent on the product now and am in the process of getting a utilitly patent. I need funding to help me manufacture it and get it to the market place. The product is 100% ready to sell.