Michael West

Denison, TX (USA)

Fight Time Fitness

Location: Denison
Industry: Sports/Recreation
Year Founded: 2006
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Fight Time Fitness, some say it is the next Tae Bo sytle fitness craze! The December 2006 issue of Martial Arts Professional magazine (published by NAPMA) included an article entitled, “Mixed Martial Arts Hits the Big Time” (page 12). The point of the article was to reveal that MMA events and training are at the peak of popularity right now. The sport is gaining recognition outside of the martial arts world, within the realm of the general public through media coverage. Rule changes and more highly skilled fighters are creating a demand for this kind of entertainment. More and more young and athletic people are getting involved in MMA training. Even so, this type and level of training appeals to a narrow base of the population. This is where FTF is stepping in. We have combined MMA