Rachel Prefaro


Santa's Little Helper

Industry: Hospitality
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Located in the Northeastern US, my business idea is simple yet practical. The Christmas or “ Holiday Season” here has become very much a fashionable competition. By this I mean many communities compete with their holiday decorating; and often times the lights are left hanging on the homes or outside structures until the spring thaw. What I propose to do is consult with the prospective clients and offer decorating and ‘timely’ removal of their holiday embellishments. Lets face it, who actually likes untangling lights or figuring out which bulb is out? Most would agree that a couple bucks in order to eliminate that headache is more than worth its weight in gold, or frankincense or myrrh for that matter. The major expense initially will be liability insurance for employees who will actu

Santa's Little Helper

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Description: Located in the Northeastern US, my business idea is simple yet practical. The Christmas or “ Holiday Season” here has become very much a fashionable competition. By this I mean many communities compete with their holiday decorating; and often times the lights are left hanging on the homes or outside structures until the spring thaw. What I propose to do is consult with the prospective clients and offer decorating and ‘timely’ removal of their holiday embellishments. Lets face it, who actually likes untangling lights or figuring out which bulb is out? Most would agree that a couple bucks i
Services Provided:
  • Logo Design