Tonya Rice

Asheville, NC (USA)


Location: Asheville
Industry: Non Profit
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I want to start up a non-profit organization that will help others that are disabled. I know that goverment helps out some but not enought. I have M.S. and I know that the goverment does not help me make the rent when I miss time from work because of my sickness and according to them I make too much money for food stamps. I'm too young for disability. If you want to help me get started on helping others please write me and I will be happy to tell you about how we can make it happen.


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Location: Asheville
Description: Non-profit organiztion for people with disabilitys such as M.S.. To help them with there everyday bill's and job placement.
Services Provided:
  • Business Planning
  • Business Planning