Vanessa Hill

Eustis, FL (USA)

Here's Looking At You Display Specialties

Location: Eustis
Industry: Design
Year Founded: 2005
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I contract with malls to work with their temporary tenant program. This consists of small businesses on pushcarts and kiosks. I meet with the new tenant ,design a display for their merchandise and provide a merchandising layout, assist in finding local contractors to build their fixtures. Most of these small business owners are new to retail, and I assist them in getting them set up for success. I also offer sales training classes for their staff members.

Here's Looking At You Display Specialties

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Eustis
Description: Visual merchandising and fixture design. Conduct seminars in suggestive selling techniques for the small business owner.
Services Provided:
  • Logo Design
  • Logo Design