William Ingram

Erie, CO (USA)

Paladin Projects

Location: Erie
Industry: Real Estate
Year Founded: 1979
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I am an experienced Real Estate Broker, but more importantly, I am a well-experienced and effective home renovator. I learned the business starting in 1979 but my goal was not to “Sell” Real Estate but rather to learn about Real Estate investments. One of the first lessons I learned was that most Real Estate agents specialize in being a good salesman and that is as far as they can see. Even though the 2nd and 3rd years in the business I was Top Salesman for the 5 local offices of Pulte Homes Corporation Resale Division. After that I went into business for myself and went into rehabbing homes. The next 3 years I made more money than I had ever made in my life, doing rehabbing. I moved overseas in 1985 – 1987 to install missile tracking in Saudi Arabia. In the process I received an i