Abdiel Castellanos

Bend, OR (USA)


Location: Bend
Industry: Other
Year Founded: 2018
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Mature
Entity Type: "S" Corporation
Description: We provide funding for small and large businesses in the U.S. With our extensive network in Central and South America we are now providing funding for buildings, resort projects, country infrastructure. We seek lenders that want to provide the funding for all of these projects. Many of the projects are sponsor


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Location: BEND
Description: We have a network through out of the U.S, Central and South America that gives us and inside edge in most cases with local governments. We receive opportunities that are back by local government. The opportunities allow us to provide funding to much need infrastructure of many governments in the region. Also, individual uniquely position to make big development for housing urbanisation development and property development and in key cities throughout the region.
Services Provided:
  • Capital Broker