Alexey Shikhaleev

Tianjin (CHN)


Location: Tianjin
Industry: Finance
Year Founded: 2012
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: Promising Gold Mine in Chile The gold deposit in Southern Chile covers an area of 200 hectares. Private ownership of the territory is secured at the State level. The gold-bearing layer is the alluvium of soft rocks. The capacity of the field is 16 000 000 m3. Composition = 5g\m3

Easterly International Communication Limited

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Location: Tanjin
Description: Promising Gold Mine in Chile The gold deposit in Southern Chile covers an area of 200 hectares. Private ownership of the territory is secured at the State level. The gold-bearing layer is the alluvium of soft rocks. The capacity of the field is 16 000 000 m3. Composition = 5g\m3 In summary, the deposit can work for about 8-10 years and achieve a result of 20-22 tons of gold. This is the minimum of calculation and we hope to reach paleo sediments with geological support.
Services Provided:
  • Project Management