Amelia leavell

Port Orchard, WA (USA)

MediCare Professionals LLC

Location: Port Orchard
Industry: Education
Year Founded: 2014
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: MediCare professionals, training in mental development is Americas largest development research, training center and day care center. This company provides care and education through professional development to those suffering from terminal, disabled, or mentally ill structure to child and seniors in the washington state. MediCare professionals is a quickly growing presigte institution for those working in the mental health field.

MediCare Professionals LLC

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Port orchard
Description: MediCare professionals, training in mental development is Americas largest development research, training center and day care center. This company provides care and education through professional development to those suffering from terminal, disabled, or mentally ill structure to child and seniors in the washington state. MediCare professionals is a quickly growing presigte institution for those working in the mental health field.
Services Provided:
  • Business Planning
  • Legal
  • Office Equipment