Andrew Shelton

Verona, VA (USA)

" Germ Shield "

Location: Verona
Industry: Invention
Year Founded: 2020
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Creation/Idea
Entity Type: Not Incorporated
Description: I am the inventor and developer of the device called " GERM SHIELD " It is a electronic clip on device that will kill germs and viruses 3ft. in diameter around you . Works very well in crowded areas , rooms , schools , hospitals , everywhere !! Seeking funding and Mass Production . Patent Pending with 2 prototypes available . Wear it and have all day protection from germs .


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Location: Verona
Description: I am the inventor and developer of the device called " GERM SHIELD " It is a electronic clip on device that will kill germs and viruses 3ft. in diameter around you . Works very well in crowded areas , rooms , schools , hospitals , everywhere !! Seeking funding and Mass Production . Patent Pending with 2 prototypes available . Wear it and have all day protection from germs .
Services Provided:
  • Patent Idea or Invention