Billie Anne Young-Church

Hampton, VA (USA)

My Team Spirit

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Hampton
Description: My Team Spirit would be the name of the sport shoe and my business. I am sure that everyone would like to have money and that is what my idea and design will do.
Services Provided:
  • Business Planning
  • Business Planning

My Team Spirit

Location: Hampton
Range: $100k - $500k
Investor Type: Angel
Accredited: Yes
Funding Types:
  • Equity Funding (VC, Angel, PE)
  • Operational/Growth Funding
  • Design
Investment Regions:
  • United States

My Team Spirit

Location: Hampton
Industry: Design
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: I have only designed the sport shoe and have tried Mr. Kendall....I have no money and in order to this great idea into the store I need someone to help fund this.