Colorado City, CO (USA)

Brad Sorensen Designs

Location: Hermosa Beach
Industry: Invention
Year Founded: 1978
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: Not Incorporated
Description: We work with companies requesting capital to establish their companies. Out company originally worked with a private investment company and currently also work with a commercial banker whose experience dates back to 1974.

B. G. Youngkrantz Company

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Location: Colorado City
Description: I work with companies seeking capital to fund their operations based on my past experience as an officer of a company that no longer is in business which pursued investment in others operations. I am now retired and assist those past acquaintances needing help to build their operations. I also am connected to a independent commercial banker who has banking and real estate experience since 1974. I have worked with this banker regarding seeking capital to build other independent businesses. We are always interested in assisting others to succeed.
Services Provided:
  • Marketing/Advertising