David Joseph

Tampa, FL (USA)

Bionic Holdings LLC

Location: Pinecrest
Industry: Consulting
Year Founded: 2018
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: "C" Corporation
Description: INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY The company is requesting a USD $2MM debt investment in agri-business venture locate in the Dominican Republic, out of it’s U.S. company in Pinecrest (Miami). Loan (3 Year Term) - Company will accept a short-term loan (3 years) and offer a rate of return of 50% of gross profit. The company has Letters of Intent for purchase orders equaling 4 containers (40,000lbs +) per week, sustainable throughout the following three years. Annual revenue is based on a minimum of 40 weeks production. Investor payout every 4 months / term. Estimated First Year Revenue: USD $ 2,176,200 Investor 50%: USD $1,088,100 Company Revenue / 4 mo Cycle (FY1): USD $725,400 Investor Payout / 4 mo Cycle (FY1): USD $362,700 3 year term Investor ROI: USD $3,264,300 ** Venture backed by UBS Bank with 85% matching line of credit for operating capital, offering 6% interest on investor’s escrowed account.

Bionic Holdings LLC

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Tampa
Description: Business consulting solutions tailored for
Services Provided:
  • Business Consulting