Evelyn James

Alexandria, VA (USA)

ELJae Consulitng & Investment Group, Inc.

Location: Alexandria
Industry: Education
Year Founded: 2016
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: "C" Corporation
Description: My mission is to prepare students for entry and staff-level employment full-time, part-time, temporary agency placement, and self-employment, or to enhance current job skills in accounting and bookkeeping and related fields by providing a hands-on, real-world and practical education and training program in a positive, professional and supportive environment.

ELJae Consulting & Investment Group, Inc.

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Alexandria
Description: Educating and Supporting Business Owners and Investors to Consciously Achieve Financial Freedom So They Can Live with Greater Personal Freedom .
Services Provided:
  • Business Consulting