Fran Barror

Delta, OH (USA)

Story Orchard Learning Academy

Location: Swanton
Industry: Education
Year Founded: 2017
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: I have recently purchased the childcare center I was a prekindergarten teacher for 10 years, then I was the administrator while working on purchasing for the past two years. I am trying to expand the business through technology programs, interactive story book programs, and by creating newer researched based curriculum for each classroom and department. I would also like to expand the building structure to add a gymnasium and, thereby be able to serve even more families in our community and beyond.

Story Orchard Learning Academy

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Swanton
Description: My company provides care, early education, early intervention, literacy, tutoring, and birthday party services for families with infants and children 6 weeks to 13 years old.
Services Provided:
  • Professional Appointment Setting