Gail Newman

Buena Park, CA (USA)

NHP Funding Solutions LLC

Location: Buena Park
Industry: Other
Year Founded: 1995
Number Employees: 1-10 people

NHP Funding Solutions LLC

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Location: Buena Park
Description: I built my business from the ground up I started during taxes 1995 for Brea and Huntington Beach community center for free while I was in the learning stages for seven years to 2002, I started out on my own working the business 4 hours after my primary job during the week and 16 hours on the weekends. I did that until Aug. 2010 I was laid off and I processed 700 clients that season too, now I am during 800 plus clients this year I like working with people and helping them get their finances on track . I have some debt that I want to consolidate and I want to hire some part time help starting 2017.
Services Provided:
  • Accounting Services