Godwin W. Eshesimua

Coral Gables, FL (USA)

ConciergeMD Services Corporation

Location: Miami
Industry: Healthcare
Year Founded: 2019
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Creation/Idea
Entity Type: "C" Corporation
Description: We offer Value-Added Services to Healthcare Providers, Payers, Plan Operators, consumers, and strategic partners. Our clients and strategic partners utilize our products and services to enhance their brand to their respective customers, clients, employees, tenants, and subscribers. We develop, equip, and manage concierge medical practice space for healthcare providers as TeleMed-Clinics for their practice. Our services enable our contracted healthcare providers and health plan operators to offer convenient and personalized concierge medical care to subscribers as a Value-Added Service (VAS) to their health plan. website; (URL removed)