Jeanette Cornell

Surprise, AZ (USA)

ThirdDegree Designs

Location: Surprise
Industry: Retail/Clothing
Year Founded: 2017
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Creation/Idea
Entity Type: Not Incorporated
Description: ThirdDegree Designs is a specialty clothing line for burn survivors and is also in a new market segment. Although others can benefit from the protection and the fashion we supply, it was created for burn survivors. At this time the apparel is a women's line, but a men's line will come after a time, children as well.

ThirdDegree Designs

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Location: Surprise
Description: ThirdDegree Designs is in a new market segment. We provide women with clothing that is not only sun protective, but is also stylish for everyday wear. We give women the ability to step outside with confidence, knowing they look amazing and are protecting their delicate skin from the elements in any weather.
Services Provided:
  • E-commerce Solutions