Jim White

Hollister, CA (USA)
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)

JiMari Incorporated

Location: Hollister
Industry: Other
Year Founded: 2017
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: "C" Corporation
Description: JiMari Incorporated was formed as a Delaware corporation on March 2, 2017 to acquire and manage entities within the stone fruit sector, including orchards, packers, processors, shippers, sales, and/or distribution organizations. The Company, operating out of Hollister California, wants to capitalize on the lack of consolidation in the stone fruit sector in California. To fill this void, JiMari plans to build a portfolio of stone fruit sector companies and other value-added lateral and vertical acquisitions. The Company intends to raise up to $30.5M over the next 4 years, starting with this Offering, to achieve its goals. JiMari will serve as the holding company providing the administrative, human resources and management expertise to its subsidiaries. Through the holding company structure, JiMari will retain the flexibility to control and spin off entities in ways that serve the best interests of the Company and its shareholders. The Company is owned primarily by the founders of B & R Farms, Jim and Mari Rossi, who, along with Jim White, make up the Company’s executive team. JiMari and its wholly owned subsidiary, B & R Farms, LLC, operate out of their facilities in Hollister, California. B & R Farms is the current primary operational entity of the Company.