Kelly Winget

dallas, TX (USA)

CaniDeal, LLC

Location: Dallas
Industry: Technology/Web
Year Founded: 2016
Number Employees: 10-50 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: We started this business because Cannabis is an existing multi-billion dollar industry that has not been able to take full advantage of the digital toolset that every other business in the world has had since the birth of the internet. As 2018 begins, we are proud to announce we've completed the launch of our Alpha software build and are now working on completing the vendor side of our e-commerce engine What this means is the interior and exterior of the car is built, the vendor engine is being built and soon we'll be getting on the road to revenues in this multi-billion dollar marketplace. Our goal is to provide all of the legal manufacturers, growers, and stores a one-stop shop for all of the Cannabis industry’s business to business needs. Think of us as the Ali Baba or Amazon for the Cannabis industry.

Investor Lead Co LLC

Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Dallas
Description: Investor leads are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to raising capital. We understand that finding the right source, building the right teams, and earning trust are the keys to success in this industry. With years of experience on both sides of the business, we are able to provide an unmatched quality of service and product.
Services Provided:
  • Marketing/Advertising