Linda sharp

Houston, TX (USA)


Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Houston
Description: I need to find a better way to earn a living.
Services Provided:
  • Sales Consulting


Location: Houston
Range: $10k - $25k
Investor Type: Private Equity
Accredited: Yes
Funding Types:
  • Alternative/Creative Finance
  • Advertising
Investment Regions:
  • United States
  • TX


Location: Houston
Industry: Advertising
Year Founded: 2007
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Description: I was interested in Ms. Rowswell's programs. I meed tp find a better way to make money, soon. I don't want to send my life's history.I was interested in Ms. Rowswell's programs. I meed tp find a better way to make money, soon. I don't want to send my life's history.I was interested in Ms. Rowswell's programs. I meed tp find a better way to make money, soon. I don't want to send my life's history.I was interested in Ms. Rowswell's programs. I meed tp find a better way to make money, soon. I don't want to send my life's history.