melissa gorecki

phoenix, AZ (USA)

with held til patent complete

Location: phoenix
Industry: Design
Year Founded: 2006
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: this company will be a foundation for other indiviuals who would like to havde the benifits of owning their own business without all the head aches or over head cost. the basic idea is to be your own boss with the beauty of a paycheck at the same time our independant employees will get paid on the products rather than the time. at the same time wewould like to offer a service to the community and all those who help us keep overhead low or volenteer their time to improve the lives of any one who gets a chance to go to this site.. offering wish list and a rafell monthly to those who show love for their fellow man. we would also like to see community functions that allow for others to donate and volenteer, advertising and have a good time living a possitive life after all the ultamate goa