Mike Miller

Hartwell, GA (USA)

Simply Meats

Location: Hartwell
Industry: Retail/Clothing
Year Founded: 2001
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: Company has a USDA slaughter house and USDA processing plant. We currently make meat stix and process pork/beef for groceries, resturants, conv. stores etc. We have found a niche in lower cost because we have eliminated several distributors in the meat business and we have better quality of meat. Looking to either refinance the whole business or just the expansion of opening up to 100 butcher stores this year.

Simply Meats

Location: Hartwell
Range: $500k - $5 Mil
Investor Type: Angel
Accredited: Yes
Funding Types:
  • Equity Funding (VC, Angel, PE)
  • Operational/Growth Funding
  • Food Service/Restaurant
Investment Regions:
  • United States