peggy heath

lake elsinore, CA (USA)

slick ice race coatings, inc.

Location: lake elsinore
Industry: Sports/Recreation
Year Founded: 2002
Number Employees: INVALID
Description: this process pertains to the race car racing industry. we have been in "testing" with top race car drivers/owners for several years, and it works splendidly! what it is, is a process that infuses a type of coating into the part, that will withstand enormous amounts of heat (it is in the spacecrafts as well), friction, wear and tear. no other "coating" company has this process. theirs is just that, a coating. this here is "infused or impregnated coating". we now have thousands upon thousands of orders with numerous engine builders in the country. high-end engine builders. we are only touching the surface with the racing industry. mainly because we are racers from way back. we are looking for an investor for start-up cash flow for our end of it. the company we are in contract with is already