Reiman Reynolds

San Francisco , CA (USA)


Location: San Francisco
Industry: Real Estate
Year Founded: 2017
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: "S" Corporation
Description: We established TERXXO with one goal in mind - building value. We are committed to providing our clients with world class real estate management software/app, which will be a one-stop-shop app for residents, maintenance crews, management team and property owners. This revolutionary app aims to eliminate delays and ensures accuracy and prompt service. Our ongoing thorough research had concluded that our biggest advantage is no one has created this kind of app yet, and the market for this service is very diverse which creates an amazing opportunity for growth..


Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: San Francisco
Description: From a background in commercial real estate and investment relations, we started REIMANZ HOSPITALITY GROUP which focuses on the core values of innovation, profit and growth. With our passion for excellence in service and economies, we strive to build more than just businesses, we create experiences, add value, and build landmarks. We are looking for partners, lenders, and investors who share our passion for hospitality and customer services.
Services Provided:
  • Real Estate