Robert Donough

Blue Ball, PA (USA)


Location: Blue Ball
Industry: Real Estate
Year Founded: 2016
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Creation/Idea
Entity Type: Not Incorporated
Description: I have years experience in the housing & rental business.I have managed & supervised rental property's & did land home deals with modular homes.I am looking to buy depressed property's & rent them & or sell (URL removed) 1st home i am working on for myself is $10,(URL removed)n i am finished it will be worth $50,000 (URL removed)tead of building new homes i want to repair depressed homes & rebuild community'(URL removed)s will help rebuild our depressed area's & give people homes they can (URL removed) is as anything with my contacts with wholesalers the more you purchase the less is spent on materials.I have the knowledge & experience i have made other company's a lot of money.I have turned property's from losing $6,000 to $10,000 a month & with in a year had them in the black.I have a proven record & i want to make this money for myself & anyone willing to back me in this (URL removed)t people want develop land & build new homes & then people become house broke.I can fix that & help our community's rebuild to back what they were (URL removed) many homes boarded up that could be repaired & give people homes then can (URL removed)s will help many people & in return we make (URL removed) is a win win.I will hire subcontractors so i don't have to carry the expense of having employee's.I feel people that want to work will prove themselves to me after that i will decide if i want them to be part of this business/company.I know i can make money for you & for (URL removed)h my wisdom & knowledge & contacts.I need an investor willing to work with me & we all (URL removed)s is a start to something so much (URL removed)nk you for your time Robert

Ingrety Property's

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Location: Blue Ball
Description: I have years experience as a working manager /supervisor for housing & rental property's.I have made money for company's with my experience.I am well rounded i have repaired,sold,& managed homes & apartments from applications,financing.I have done all types of repairs & trained many men.I have the knowledge & wisdom in this industry & know how to make money doing it.I have subcontracted myself all phases of home construction.I have acted as the general contractor for land home deals start to the (URL removed)t to income.I have everyone in place & ready to (URL removed)ey start up is what i (URL removed) active investor who wants to share in this business that will grow right before there eye's.I have a home i am working on now for myself to build equity to get more capitol.I am willing to do what needs to done to make this work for everyone something everyone can be proud (URL removed)es you can afford to own or rent.
Services Provided:
  • Real Estate