robert prendimano jr

manchester, NJ (USA)

JobbHopp, LLC

Location: manchester township
Industry: Technology/Web
Year Founded: 2017
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (not profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: JobbHopp is a mobile application and business concept that will allow users (customer) the ability to request services using a mobile app. These service requests will then be viewed by certified JobbHopp users (independent workers; aka “Hoppers”) in the area, who have been approved and categorized by skill set, and they will have the choice to offer to complete the service for the price the customer has requested or bid an alternate price if desired. The customer then will have complete authority in choosing their “worker” based on viewing their profile, including information, pictures, skills, reviews, ratings, etc. Once the customer has decided on a JH worker and they have agreed on a price, they will become locked in an agreement protected by contract to complete the desired service for price agreed upon. All necessary information will be exchanged, and JH worker will be sent (and tracked) to destination to complete service. As service is being performed, customer will be able to actively update status to ensure they are satisfied with the work being performed. When the “worker” feels the service is complete, they will use the mobile application to notify JH that the service has been completed. The customer than will be able to approve or disapprove the service based on JH worker completion of task. If approved, customer will be charged price agreed upon + state sales tax % + service fee for using JH. JH employee will be rewarded price agreed upon - service fee for using JH. Both parties will review and rate each other, report the job difficulty, tools required, manpower, material required, time it took to complete job etc... for data storage and accumulation for JH as a business to analyze and sell to other companies that would be interested in the data analysis. Also for future reference for users of the app.


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Location: manchester
Description: JobbHopp is a mobile application and business concept that will allow users (customer) the ability to request services using a mobile app. These service requests will then be viewed by certified JobbHopp users (independent workers; aka “Hoppers”) in the area, who have been approved and categorized by skill set, and they will have the choice to offer to complete the service for the price the customer has requested or bid an alternate price if desired. The customer then will have complete authority in choosing their “worker” based on viewing their profile, including information, pictures, skills, reviews, ratings, etc. Once the customer has decided on a JH worker and they have agreed on a price, they will become locked in an agreement protected by contract to complete the desired service for price agreed upon. All necessary information will be exchanged, and JH worker will be sent (and tracked) to destination to complete service. As service is being performed, customer will be able to actively update status to ensure they are satisfied with the work being performed. When the “worker” feels the service is complete, they will use the mobile application to notify JH that the service has been completed. The customer than will be able to approve or disapprove the service based on JH worker completion of task. If approved, customer will be charged price agreed upon + state sales tax % + service fee for using JH. JH employee will be rewarded price agreed upon - service fee for using JH. Both parties will review and rate each other, report the job difficulty, tools required, manpower, material required, time it took to complete job etc... for data storage and accumulation for JH as a business to analyze and sell to other companies that would be interested in the data analysis. Also for future reference for users of the app.
Services Provided:
  • Patent Idea or Invention