Rose Green

Dorchester, MA (USA)

Delaja Enterprise, LLC dba Dangerzone

Location: Boston
Industry: Entertainment
Year Founded: 2000
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: Danger Zone Music Group (DZMG) emerged in the year 2000, out of the need to provide positive and quality music to the world. Headed by Delmar Drummond and Edward Warren. DZMG covers: Audio Production, Artist Development, Artist Management, Artist Bookings, ANR, Sound System

Delaja Enterprise, LLC dba Dangerzone

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Location: Los Angeles
Description: Danger Zone Music Group (DZMG) emerged in the year 2000, out of the need to provide positive and quality music to the world. Headed by Delmar Drummond and Edward Warren. DZMG covers: Audio Production, Artist Development, Artist Management, Artist Bookings, ANR, Sound System
Services Provided:
  • Project Management