Sarah Jenkins

Manhattan , NY (USA)

UnitedCoins Inc

Location: Manhattan
Industry: Finance
Year Founded: 2013
Number Employees: 100-250 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Liability Company
Description: UNITEDCOINS focuses on trading and mining cryptocurrencies on contract for investors, and ensuring the highest possible return on investment within manageable risk. We are here to ensure your investment in cryptocurrencies continue to generate yields without you having to get involved yourself.

UnitedCoins Inc

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Location: Manhattan
Description: UNITEDCOINS focuses on trading and mining cryptocurrencies on contract for investors, and ensuring the highest possible return on investment within manageable risk. We are here to ensure your investment in cryptocurrencies continue to generate yields without you having to get involved yourself.
Services Provided:
  • Accounting Services
  • Capital Broker