Douala (CMR)
C-Level Executive (CEO, CFO, etc.)


Location: Douala
Industry: Other
Year Founded: 2008
Number Employees: 1-10 people
Business Stage: Growth (profitable)
Entity Type: Limited Partnership
Description: I am creative business . I train women in hats making skills , that will help them become financially free and better their lives chances I am an award winner from the UK Foundation for social entrepreneur UnLtd I use technology and hat making skills to empower women We have ran 28 worskhops in Northern Engalnd with ethnic minorities women, during whcih 12 have found jobs and are now self employed


Find More Service Providers Service Provider
Location: Douala
Description: I am involved in due diligence and business consultancy for company wanting to invest in green sector and green economies accross Africa We offer our services on a consultancy basis or commissioned
Services Provided:
  • Business Consulting